Windwalker Monk Dragonflight Talents: First Impressions (2024)

Today we got the first look at the Monk talent trees for Dragonflight, class and spec specific. Unfortunately, at least for you, I am on vacation with my family, so my ability to get in there and test things out is limited. Thankfully, there isn’t much that requires testing right now, because as expected, its all things we’ve seen before. Indeed, much of it were things that I hoped for and put in my own talent tree when I did that exercise a few weeks ago.

Its going to take some time to fully theorycraft the “best” path, and plenty of time for tweaks and balancing remains, so tonight I’ll focus on what we got, how we got it, and just what I think about things.


The only “new” thing is Resonant Fists, which may be functionally useless or a nice bit of extra damage depending on how it works. The fact that it specifies 3 consecutive abilities need to hit at least 3 targets may mean that using Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, or Rising Sun Kick between will break this trigger. If that is the case then our only options are things like Chi Burst, Spinning Crane Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Whirling Dragon Punch, Strike of the Windlord, and Fists of Fury used back-to-back-to-back. Given the fact that we’ll almost certainly have 6 Chi all the time, it won’t be impossible to use those abilities that way, but certainly not automatic. Thankfully Shadowboxing Treads is there so that we can use Blackout Kick between Spinning Crane Kick for only 5 chi cost to trigger the buff.

Another concern is that there is a Not Yet Implemented node in the final row that is straddled by two statue abilities, which makes me think that Windwalker may get a statue. While there’s tons of cool things that could come from a statue, having to manage another thing is rarely something I’m excited for. This is further confirmed by a datamined asset that is definitely Xuen as a statue.

Lastly, the class tree is just weird. Needing to get Ring of Peace for Eye of the Tiger, Fort Brew for Expel Harm, and buffing Vivify for access to Chi Burst and Chi Wave just feels a little odd. However, there are enough points to play with that you should be able to get all of them without much stress, so much of that concern is moot. Most of the problem will be in leveling, not in end-game play.

Additionally, the fact that you can talent into Leech, Avoidance, and Movement speed just feel like an odd amount of things for a Monk to be able to provide, especially in a very small range. Its clear that one Monk isn’t intended to bring all three of those things, but it is doable and may even be doable without any damage loss depending on the NYI talent and whether more frequent Touch of Death is something that is beneficial. This is super weird, but also… not terrible…? I’m not sure yet.


When I went through and made a talent tree, I didn’t attempt to make a class one, and I’m glad that I didn’t. However, I think they did a good job with setting up ways to just get a boat load of things.

First, so…. much…. speeeeeeed!! You can have Tiger’s Lust, an extra charge of Roll and either CT or Celerity, plus pick up Flying Serpent Kick from the WW tree. All that together makes one seriously fast Windwalker. Toss in Roll Out and Escape from Reality and you’re nigh unstoppable when it comes to needing to move from things. Escape from Reality alone will allow you to Transcendence out of a mechanic, then immediately back in to where you need to be, cutting out any need to move back to your previous place, as long as you do it within 10 seconds. Instead of using Transcendence to get back to the boss, you’ll use it to get out AND get back. Just don’t be like me and actually remember that Transcendence is an ability you can use, because even after 10 years, I forget to use it sometimes.

After the insane movement potential, the next thing to jump out is the insane survivability. You can have BOTH Dampen Harm and Diffuse Magic!! But more than that, you can have Chi Wave / Chi Burst AND Eye of the Tiger, plus Fort Brew on a reduced CD, Expel Harm for more healing, instant cast and buffed Vivify, PLUS the above mentioned area buffs that increase Leech and Avoidance.

A Windwalker is going to have the potential to be one seriously tanky and fast spec, like really really.


There’s not a ton that I have to hope for from the class tree as I think its pretty straightforward. My biggest hope is that the NYI talent between the MW and BrM statues is something that is fun to use. It could be something similar toWind Rush Totem or maybe its something that we put at range so that melee can attack it for a short period of time and the statue zaps the boss for the damage, allowing melee to continue to damage when we have to run out. There’s tons of things that it could be, so we’ll just have to wait and see.


So lets get the bad out of the way, because there’s really not much, but there’s always going to be some. The biggest things that jump out to me are things that can very easily get changed and they feel somewhat nit-picky.

Jade Ignition seems like it got lost somewhere along the way as the right side seems to be primarily focused on single target, and yet its an AOE ability. It will also mean that we’ll look to use Spinning Crane Kick every once and awhile in ST and need to track the stacks so we know when to use it. I’d much rather see it switched with where Meridian Strikes is. Even though its only one slot over, it makes it more reachable for AOE and more skippable for ST.

Gale Burst and Empowered Tiger Lightning in the same tree, where you can take both, seems a little weird, but really not that bad as it just gives us what we want, while keeping what Blizzard wants, and there’s undoubtedly going to be something silly, even if just on Alpha, where both buffs work into each other, or cancel each other out. It also begs the question about what Touch of Death we’ll be getting, since Gale Burst doesn’t do anything with the current iteration of Touch of Death and will require the pre-Shadowlands version to really do anything unless they just let it work in the background the whole time.

Getting Faeline Stomp but not Weapons of Order is also an odd choice, but its always possible they get swapped or that Weapons of Order becomes the way that Serenity works. Since we have Invoker’s Delight in the tree, having Weapons of Order and Serenity together would be really cool and work to switch up how the spec plays in its cooldown windows.

The last thing that really jump out at me, that I’ll put as a “concern” rather than a “hope” is that Last Emperor’s Capacitor is locked behind Faeline Stomp, which means that if its the best, you need to add TWO abilities to your rotation and tracking, which just seems excessive when Windwalker already has quite a lot to press.


The first one that everyone will notice is that Strike of the Windlord is BACK!!! Not only that, but (as I hoped) Fist of the White Tiger is replaced by Power Strikes which keep the number of rotation abilities the same for that trade off. Adding Thunderfist right after it in the tree is also brilliant as it helps you focus on ST even when there’s adds there, which is fantastic. The 2-Chi cost is a little different than what we have now, but as I’m about to talk about, that is unlikely to be an issue.

Ascension, Power Strikes, an extra 10 energy AND no Energizing Elixir!!!! To be honest the extra 10 energy is unlikely to be very useful, unless you’re in a fight that you’re capping energy frequently, and even then it should be minor. However, the ability to have 6 Chi and generate a 3rd Chi with Tiger Palm every 15s will be a steady stream of Chi to keep us going. Add to that having things like Open Palm Strikes and there may be a concern that we have too much Chi, but that will just come down to playing it.

INTERCONNECTIVITY INTERCONNECTIVITY INTERCONNECTIVITY!!! I preached this more than anything in my previous article, but Windwalker is at its best when its abilities are connected to one another, and we’re getting it. Drinking Horn Cover, Teachings of the Monastery, Fury of Xuen, Meridian Strikes, and Transfer the Powerare all things brought back and added to the things like Spiritual Focus, Xuen’s Bond, Xuen’s Battlegear, and Blackout Kick‘s CDR. This should make Windwalker’s rotation be more variable, but also more fluid and feel like you’re weaving one ability into the other. We’ll have to see how it feels functionally, since its always possible that there’s a tipping point where more becomes worse, but its certainly a nice foundation of things that I’ve been hoping for.

One thing that I’ve been stressing for a long time is that Windwalker needs to gain some identity when it comes to single target, and while I think the talent tree could be cleaned up a little bit in that regard, its very clear that the right side is, for the most part, focused on single target abilities. Talent balance and tuning will ultimately decide how strong Windwalker is in single target relative to others, but this is a step in the right direction, and one that will likely mean I start the expansion as a Windwalker again rather than a Feral Druid, at least as long as I don’t feel useless in ST when raiding.

Glory of the Dawn is back! More double backflips!!

NO Hit Combo!?! I hope that it stays this way, but not having Hit Combo is great, especially since there are a few talents that make sure to keep an incentive for varying your abilities.

With so many things that reduce the cooldowns of other abilities, it will make Windwalker a very consistent, high pressure, spec, rather than the bursty one that it is now. Nearly all of our longer cooldowns; Storm, Earth, and Fire / Serenity, Xuen, Touch of Death, and Bonedust Brew at least, have some talent that reduces their cooldown simply by doing the rest of your rotation. This means that the more you do, the more you can do, and Windwalker could return to a very not-burst oriented class, but one that is always ready with something to put damage where it needs to go.


I have a few hopes for the talent tree, but they are mainly small tweaks rather than big changes.

  • First, as mentioned before, I’d love for Last Emperor’s Capacitor to allow Windwalkers to cast Crackling Jade Lightning while moving. I think it takes the talent and ability from highly disruptive to highly enjoyable.
  • If we must have Rushing Jade Wind as an option, then it needs to be changed, because right now its weak and unpleasant to play with.
  • With so many things working with Touch of Death, I think it needs to be clear what version we’re getting, because the different versions that we’ve seen will change how powerful and fun the talent options we have that modify it.
  • I’d love to see some added crit scaling to things, such as proc chances based on crit chance for things like Glory of the Dawn or others.

I’m sure there will be more hopes, but I am technically on vacation.

This is just one of many articles to come that will discuss the talents and Windwalker in Dragonflight. Next on the docket, certainly within the next week or so, will be an article devoted to the different builds that we have access to and how or when they may be useful. Over time we’ll get into the theorycrafting of the numbers and what the numbers say we should pick, as well as what needs to change so that the numbers tell us to pick the things that make sense functionally and thematically.

This is when the process gets fun and busy, so stay tuned over the next few weeks and I’ll try to make sure we bring you the best information in a timely manner; I can’t be on vacation forever.

  1. Greenboyon August 20, 2022 at 11:17 am

    In terms of gameplay, I didn’t like the monk AOE rotation at all in Shadowlands with bdb (just spam one button and giga toxic DPS). It totally goes against the concept and mastery of the class, although OP, in my opinion it’s not fun. It’s sad to see that it’s apparently going to stay the same in Dragonflight.

    On the other hand, the single looks like it’s going to change a lot, and at first glance it looks like a lot of fun, even more so if they actually put Kyrian Weapons in place of the faelina stomp.

    Gale burst its nice, but with bdb and all the GCD, gonna be hard to do a clean burst with all that short damage windows behind short damage short window (bdb 10 sec + gale burst 8 sec + empower tiger)…

    I miss tiger’s eye brew 🙁
    And it’s very strange that mark of the crane isn’t baseline

    And regarding the possible new talent of the monk summoning a statue of Xuen:
    No, I don’t like that idea. In my view, monks had to focus only on their martial skills, the class had to stay away from anything that involved summoning pets or totems (i hate sef and xuen). Had to focus only on self-improvement


    • Karl Ågrenon August 21, 2022 at 7:26 am

      Completely agree on the bdb playstyle not feeling fun nor is it imo thematic for WW monks. Also agree that the pet/statue cds are not the way to go for a martial artist theme. We really don’t need yet another dps cd for ww in addition to the ones we have in the spec tree.

      I wish the NYI talent in the bottom of the spec tree was a talent to add all xuen effects to our character and just remove the pet. That way people who want the pet can have it and others can remove it to power up our character instead. Another solution would be to shift the talents so that xuen is no longer a required pick but that would likely take alot of balancing since the extra dps from xuens effects will likely be quite large.


      • Greenboyon August 22, 2022 at 12:57 pm

        I think your idea is brilliant, I even remember Babylonious suggesting something similar about this new form of Xuen. A player had even created the 3d model with an epic visual effect that babyloniuos posted here on the site… unfortunately I couldn’t find it.


  2. Chemicalzon August 22, 2022 at 12:27 am

    It’s exciting to be back on Peaks reading articles again! Monk has been in such a dry spell for so long and our tier was the least exciting thing to come to the spec. The monk talent tree, although needing some tweaks, has a bunch of interesting choices and potential. Then we have the Windwalker tree, and instantly I dropped all ideas of class swapping. We literally got everything that has ever been fun about WW, albeit, it could be a little better but after seeing everything added I have no doubt that they’ll work the remaining kinks out and move somethings around. It looks like we are finally getting some well deserved love, even if we have poor tuning, the play styles look like they will be extremely fun and look to have multiple builds that could be a blast.

    T.o.D – I really hated this ability this entire expansion, having to snipe the last hit of a mob (or even harder, a boss) just to get a little extra padding on the damage meter. In PvP, it felt even worse since the reaction time of it seemed extremely delayed no matter how many times I smashed it.. they’d either be healed before it “procced”, or they were going to die died regardless of pressing it or not. Really hoping it goes back to how it was previously, because it’s 0% fun right now in my opinion, and has felt dead since the rework.

    Strike of the Wind Lord – I can’t be more excited to have this back. My screen would shake from the raw power of this button in Legion. 😂 Hopefully it maintains some of that “kick” it had back then!

    Crackling Jade Lightning/Last Emperor’s Capacitor – Not that we need anymore AoE, but I think it could be cool to have an added talent that let’s it be cast on, maybe, 2 additional targets 🤔 also, I hope it gets tuned better than it is right now, because it feels really weak atm.

    Vivify – I really hope we get to keep the instant vivify! In my opinion, it has always felt super weak when compared to other classes like ret paladin. So it’ll be quite fun to be able to pop some instant heals, especially with Good Karma gone. Speaking of, why is Good Karma gone?! If we lose the isntant vivify in future builds, give us something that can proc vivify instant heals!


    Expel Harm – I wish Reverse harm came back out from being a PvP talent and back into our normal kit.. 2 Chi and an actual decent heal always felt great to hit!

    I could go on, but its good to see some of the best abilities and legendaries coming back. Can’t wait to see some new articles drop about potential builds and updates to the new trees. Thanks for all the continued work you put in for our small community 👍🏼


  3. yuneroon August 25, 2022 at 2:33 am

    i could see it fun to have a statue with cd and duration that would give a group/raid buff essentially to the ww mastery, while ww themselves would have to inverse the playstyle to get the extra benefit.


  4. Simonon September 11, 2022 at 3:49 am

    Eyylmao blizz does it again. I really dislike that talent trees are going to be completely different whether you play PVP, M+ or raid. It will be like playing 3 different characters within a single one.
    Legion was giga fun, I don’t see this working out


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Windwalker Monk Dragonflight Talents: First Impressions (2024)


Why is haste bad for windwalkers? ›

For Windwalkers this is exaggerated since we turn our energy into Chi and then Chi into damaging abilities. There isn't really a solution to this problem, as Haste is what speeds up energy regen, and typically Windwalkers don't want to get much Haste.

What is the best profession for Windwalker Monk Dragonflight? ›

What is the best profession for a Windwalker Monk? While Leatherworking can provide the benefit of crafting armor for yourself, Herbalism and Mining are also great options for general gold-making.

Is Windwalker Monk any good? ›

Windwalker Monk is a melee DPS spec that has a tool for nearly every situation and has flexible cooldowns, great utility, and excellent mobility.

What is the best stat for Monk? ›

Monk's stat priority is very simple. Weapon Damage and your Main Stat (Strength in the case of Monk) are going to be the highest priority stat for every job and will have a much greater effect on your DPS than minor substat changes, hence why these should always be your priority when looking to upgrade gear.

Does more haste less speed make sense? ›

More haste causes a decrease in speed. The expression does not actually advocate for more haste. Instead, it cautions against hasty action. It is essentially a condensed way of saying "the more hastily you do something, the longer it will take you to finish it".

Is Windwalker Monk hard to play? ›

The Windwalker priority and execution takes planning, forethought, and finesse, no spamming the same button over and over again. This makes Windwalker one of the more difficult specs to pick up and master, but it also makes it unique and fun if you enjoy it.

What is the best Monk specialization Dragonflight? ›

Monk Leveling Specs in Dragonflight
  • Best Leveling Spec for Monks. Windwalker monks' high mobility and speed for AoE pulling makes them the preferred choice for leveling. ...
  • Leveling Brewmaster Monks. ...
  • Leveling Mistweaver Monks. ...
  • Leveling Windwalker Monks. ...
  • Gear iLevels for Dragonflight.
Nov 13, 2022

What is the best dungeon class in Dragonflight? ›

There are 29 different DPS specializations in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. The Top three DPS for Mythic+ Dungeons in WoW Patch 10.2 are Augmentation Evoker, Havoc Demon Hunter and Outlaw Rogue. The three top ranged DPS in WoW for Mythic+ Dungeons are the Frost Mage, Arcane Mage and Balance Druid.

What is the most profitable profession in WoW dragonflight? ›

Profession Choice

Certain professions are more lucrative. S-Tier professions for gold making include Enchanting, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring. A-Tier includes Herbalism, Mining, Skinning, and Fishing. B-Tier professions are Cooking, Engineering, and Inscription​​​​.

What race is best for Windwalker Dragonflight? ›

Best Windwalker Monk Races
RacePerformance Gain
Blood Elf+1.16%
Void Elf+1.00%
6 more rows
Apr 30, 2024

What is the strongest Monk class? ›

1 Way Of The Open Hand Is The Strongest Monk Subclass

Without a doubt the most classic and reliable subclass, Way of the Open Hand is pretty much the first thing people imagine when they think of a fantasy monk. Open Hand Technique enhances Flurry of Blows with ways to knock back, knock down or prevent enemy reactions.

Is Windwalker better than Brewmaster for leveling? ›

While it is mostly a matter of personal preference, generally Windwalker will be the quickest, given the normal leveling route of doing quests and unlocking the story.

How to be a better windwalker monk? ›

The best Windwalkers are ones that can look ahead a few seconds and plan out what resources they are going to need in the near future and adjust accordingly so that you do not use too many or not enough resources.

What are the disadvantages of haste? ›

Further disadvantages of haste

Haste leads to failure and brings about regret. Haste becomes an obstacle in the way of progress. Many people in their haste to complete the work on time, make a number of mistakes. Haste makes a person feel embarrassment in front of others.

How much haste for WW monk? ›

Haste does reduce all our cool downs, but it's not enough to compete with the other stats for damage increase. At around 10% haste, you should never run out of energy for tiger palm when you need it.

Why haste makes waste? ›

Haste makes waste means that rushing things leads to mistakes or poor results. The word waste is used to refer to such results. The result of working too fast might be that you end up having to throw out what you've done and start over. The word haste most commonly refers to urgency, such as in completing a task.

What is the stat priority for Windwalker Monk? ›

Windwalker Monk Stats

Agility is your primary stat, found on leather gear. Agility increases your attack power. Nearly all our damage abilities are based on this. Typically this is our most important stat, and what leads to item level being most desirable in most situations.


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.