Xander Quest, Thread Twenty-Eight: The Tumultuous Tenth Year Begins (2024)

Current Priorities
A Deal With A(n Ex-)Demon:
You have made a binding pact with Batreaux, ARISEN DEMON of Skyloft, to gather at least 10 Gratitude Crystals each year, while also searching for a demon willing to use them to become human. In exchange, Batreaux will instruct you in the DARKEST SORCERY! Priestly magic is... not his forte. Occupies 1 Magical and 1 Social slot.

Bat-Winged Brews: You have made a binding pact with Vira, Mistress of the Dark (hail!), a half-Vire Fae potion brewer. In exchange for chasing off a snake, getting her some (rodent) test subjects, and forging a magic item, she will be researching a long-term regimen of potions for increasing health and ability, (eventually) providing you a source for Red and Blue Potions, and teaching you how to brew for a season. Occupies no slots; recorded here mainly because forgetting the details of a deal with a Fae would be Bad.

Be Grateful!: You have decided to produce three new Gratitude Crystallizers in the coming year, which will be handed out, traded, or sold to Shadow Alex, Hannah Boley, and Mikogami Tenmei, respectively. Requires no slot investment, but will consume ~$30,000 worth of Alex's annual item-crafting budget and time. Good thing you looted a fortress, huh?

Extradimensional Exports: You've gotten into the shipping industry, along with Amy and Cordelia. You're selling Earth-native plants to Dekon the Deku Scrub, and spices to the Church of Hyrule. Occupies 1 Magical Slot; currently assigned to Shadow Alex.

How To Train Your Magical Horse: You've made arrangements with the Drakes to get riding lessons for yourself and training for Khamsin, in exchange for a few days' worth of spellwork and item crafting on your part. Occupies 1 Physical slot.

Lessons At Lu-Sensei's: You spend several hours each week training under the guidance of Lu Tze, Master of the School of Five Elements. Lu Tze counts as a tutor for Combat, Ki, and Physical training, and provides conditional benefits in other circ*mstances. Beware the Stick! Occupies 1 Combat, 1 Ki, and 1 Physical slot.

Magical Pen-Pal Alex: You have chosen to maintain regular correspondence with the kids you befriended during the World Tournament. As most of these kids are Japanese, this Social Priority will improve your grasp of the language, as well as providing a boost to certain other mental and social skills for as long as you continue it. You're... not entirely sure how one "completes" a Priority like this, though... Occupies 1 Social slot.

Past-Life Experience Investigation: You have decided to spend a year undergoing periodic examinations of a spiritual and arcane nature, in order to get a better idea of what is going on with Ganondorf's influence upon your person, and the Curse of Demise's influence behind him. Occupies 1 Magical and 1 Spiritual slot; adds + to Past-Life Experience.

Power Experimentation: You are engaged in a long-term process of studying and training with the lingering energies of the Triforce. You have also opted to call upon your Past-Life Experience in the process, in the hope that Ganondorf's experience in wielding the Triforce of Power and the greater Triforce may provide some insights. Occupies 1 Power and 1 Mental slot; adds + to Past-Life Experience.

School: The bane of all children, but a necessary evil - emphasis on "evil," given that you know the school district employs demons. Occupies 1 Mental and 1 Social slot.

Seeds of the Future: You've agreed to pay Koron, your Kokiri druid tutor, by introducing a variety of mundane Hyrulean plants to Earth. You're also going to try and transplant some of the more magical varieties. Successfully adapting at least half of the Hyrule-native breeds to Earth will be enough to clear this Priority, and you get partial credit if you can get a magical plant to grow here in a diminished capacity. Occupies 1 Physical slot; currently assigned to Shadow Alex.

Shadow Management: You have chosen to spend additional time observing and interacting with your Dark Self and the Simulacra you mean to create, both to ensure that you remain up-to-date on their projects, and also that they aren't malfunctioning for any of various reasons. Occupies 1 Untyped slot.

Silbern Item Analysis: You have set aside time to do more detailed examinations of the examples of Quincy spiritual technology you acquired in the Silbern Raid, with guidance from Urahara Kisuke and the (possible) participation of Batreaux and Robin. On a related note, you will also be spending more time going through the many files you seized, seeking Quincy secrets of an entirely different sort. Occupies 1 Spiritual and 1 Mental slot.

Talking Shop: You've agreed to pay Madam Lanora, your Zoran priestess tutor, by introducing her to the various priests, monks, and magic-users of your acquaintance, so that she can learn how faith and magic are treated by the people of Earth. To clear this Priority, Lanora must gain at least a working understanding of Earth religions and magical traditions (the equivalent of C-rank skill). Occupies 1 Social action; currently assigned to Shadow Alex.

Uncle (Gen)'s Rare Finds: You have agreed to work with the Japanese shopkeeper Gen, verifying the provenance of his wares, cleaning and maintaining various items, and helping him secure a regular supply of exotic components. In exchange, you get a lot of in-store credit - 40% of the profits from any deal you've contributed to, as well as 50% off on any potentially-magical writings, and free access to common spell components. Getting fired or taking over the shop will "complete" this Priority, as much as it CAN be completed. Occupies 1 Magical slot; currently assigned to Shadow Alex.

Urahara-sensei's School of Spirits!: You have made a deal with the eccentric exiled Shinigami scientist-turned-manager of the Urahara Shop, to learn about spiritual phenomenon in and around Earth's metaphysical environment from the perspective of a local expert. You have also opted to take the "combat class," in anticipation of the inevitable day when you run into a Hollow. And yes, the exclamation mark is mandatory. Occupies 1 Combat, 1 Mental, and 1 Spiritual slot.

Weapon Training: You have chosen to train with Jermafencer, Knight of Hyrule, and Mouse, Fairy Swordsman and Brother of Briar, to further your combat skills, particularly in regards to Hyrulean weapons, techniques, and tactics. You have also elected to call upon Ganondorf's experience in this field – here's hoping you don't get stabbed… Occupies 1 Combat and 1 Physical slot; adds + to Past-Life Experience.

Completed/Abandoned Priorities
Me, My Dream Self, and Briar:
You accepted Briar's offer to train your magical and mental defenses to help you deal with a vague presence lurking in your subconscious - which, with aid from a certain meddlesome wizard, you discovered to be the death-curse of the ancient Demon King, Demise. Eeep. You are no longer at risk of being subconsciously influenced by the Curse of Demise, but it's still there... Anyway, Priority: Complete!

Mission: Interdimensional Postman: You promised to find a way for Briar to make contact with her mother, and you did! Mission: Complete!

* * * * *

Available Funds:
$341.42 (+$38 looted by Briar), $14 in yen, $0 in New Taiwan dollars (yuan).
Unspent Credit At Gen's: $0.
Savings: $1,000.
Rupees: 35 Green, 10 Blue, 10 Yellow, 7 Red, 2 Purple. Wallet Capacity: 65/100. Total Value: 426 Rupees.
Assets: 5 gold coins, 94 silver coins, 40 copper coins.

Pizza Coupon: A promotional ticket proclaiming that if you buy any ten pizzas*, your next pizza will be free. Eight pizzas have been marked down. Looted from a corpse-demon on a pizza run.
* = Some terms and conditions apply.

Xander Quest uses the following rates of exchange for various forms of currency. Please note that these rates are not absolute, and may be altered by local economic conditions, negotiations good or bad, or other factors.

-- 100 Japanese yen is worth approximately 1 United States Dollar.

-- Pathfinder's "D&D standard" exchange rate of 10:1 for copper pieces to silver pieces to gold pieces has been changed to 100:1. All item costs listed on the Pathfinder website still have the same base value in copper pieces, but Quest silver effectively has the purchasing power of Pathfinder gold.

-- 3 Quest silver pieces are worth about 5 United States Dollars. 1 Quest gold piece is worth about 100 United States Dollars. Note that these specific values are derived from Earth's market price for weight/purity of the metals in question.

-- 1 Green Rupee is worth about 8 Quest silver pieces. It is worth 0 United States Dollars, as nobody on Earth accepts Hyrulean Rupees as a form of currency (apologies to India; it's all Nintendo's fault), but it can be used to purchase the equivalent of 100 United States Dollars' worth of modern-Earth quality reagents using Hyrule-sourced substitutes.

-- Rupee exchange rates are 1 Blue to 5 Green, 1 Yellow to 10 Green, 1 Red to 20 Green, and 1 Purple to 50 Green.

* * * * *


Enhanced Snake Venom:
An innocuous vial of clear liquid which just so happens to have a paper tag with a little skull and crossbones written on it tied around the mouth. It contains a type of snake venom that has been enhanced with the Spells of Accelerate Poison, Obscure Poison, and Pernicious Poison, making the substance faster-acting, harder to detect, and more difficult to resist. 3/3 doses remaining. Acquired in the Silbern Raid.

Liquid Starlight: A relatively pricey mana restorative potion, purchased from Balthazar Blake. They restore 60% of your maximum mana each, and you currently have


one. Please *glug glug glug* responsibly, and preferably no more than one at a time.

Memorian Healing Potion: A dull red potion that should reproduce the effects of a Spell to Cure Light Wounds for whomever drinks it, but may be more or less effective due to being a thousand years old. Also distinctly not a Hyrulean Red Potion. Gained from the Earthside Memorian Base.

Memorian Silversheen: A shimmering, silvery paste-like substance that will grant a single melee weapon or a number of pieces of ammunition the properties of silver for about an hour. Doesn't appear to be affected by its great age. Gained from the Earthside Memorian Base.

Minor Healing Potion: A dull red potion that reproduces the effects of a Spell to Cure Light Wounds for whomever drinks it. Absolutely not to be confused with Hyrulean Red Potions. You currently have two. Gained in the Silbern Raid.

Moderate Healing Potion: A plain red potion that reproduces the effects of a Spell to Cure Moderate Wounds for whomever drinks it. Not to be confused with Hyrulean Red Potions. Gained in the Silbern Raid.

Oil of Eternal Rest: This violet-hued vial has a stopper in the shape of a skull. When the mostly white gel within is applied to a corpse, it bestows the effects of the Spell of Rest Eternal, making that corpse resistant to spells meant to communicate with it, raise it as one of the undead, or bring it back to life. The Oil can also have somewhat unpredictable deleterious effects on newly sired vampires. Hmmm.... Produced as part of a government-backed effort to clean up the supernatural fallout of World War One. Acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Skill Potions: A collection of draughts, elixirs, oils, and (liquid) spirits, each of which grants a major bonus to a particular skill for about one hour after the potion has been imbibed or otherwise applied. Take note that each such potion has its own quirks and limitations... Acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Oil of Climbing (Climbing), Elixir of Hiding (Stealth) x2, Elixir of Sight (Looking), Elixir of Strength (Strength), Potion of Fire Resistance (Fire Resistance), Potion of Night Vision (Low-light vision), Spirit of Spirit Resistance (Spirit Resistance).

Spiritual Bandages: Pure spiritual material, harvested from Navi's Silent Realm and fashioned into bandages and dressings to help your spiritual wound heal without long-term consequences. But now that you've cast the Spell of Restoration, you've got a couple of months' worth of bandages left over. They have a strong affinity to Spirit.

Trollblood Elixir: This solid-looking bottle is sealed with wax. Its bubbling, muddy contents are foul enough to disable the imbiber with nausea for up to one minute, but in that time, they will also bestow supernatural healing powerful enough to reattach severed limbs. Acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Wraith's Sight Elixir: This rectangular flask has a gemstone for a cork. The pale blue liquid contained within strikes the drinker blind for 30 minutes, but in exchange, grants them the ability to perceive life-force within a 30-ft. radius. A niche effect, but useful for fighting creatures with gaze attacks (or so Ambrose says), and also for diagnosing medical patients (or so your Literary Vision of the African necromancer who created the stuff says). Gained in the Silbern Raid.

(Ant)Arctic Weather Gear:
An (almost) full set of winter clothes, suitable for surviving the coldest places on Earth. Fabricated using several examples of California's idea of "winter" attire as raw material, it includes a coat, pants, balaclava, and boots, but lacks snow goggles. Now includes a pair of Water Tribe Mittens, given to you by Katara on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Not REALLY necessary, since you have magic, but it made Mom happier. Also includes a matching set of clothes for Briar, who really appreciated the gesture.

Beatus Requiem: Created in the Fourteenth Century by a knight-turned-monk of the Brotherhood of the Order of St. Joseph of Arimathea who fought undead raised during the Black Death, this mace has an extensive kill-list of formidable undead, and was also responsible for breaking a couple of Shinigami heads during the Quincy Genocide. It functions as a +1 disrupting ghost touch mace of undead-bane.

Billfold: A small folding leather case for carrying banknotes and credit cards. It's no Hyrulean Wallet, but if you want to keep some cash in your (non-magical) pocket without it wrinkling or tearing, I guess now you can? Looted from a corpse-demon on a pizza run.

Black Mage Outfit: A conical yellow hat with a floppy brim, and a dark blue robe. Gifts from Ayane and Kasumi, respectively, on the occasion of your ninth birthday, as a response to the plush shurikens you gave them as part of the Christmas Plush Invasion of '99. Warning: May cause urges to shank morons and cast excessively destructive magic.

Blessed Sword: A Hyrulean-style hand-and-a-half sword, scaled down to match your size and strength. Aside from being the classic +1 sword, it's sanctified by the Golden Goddesses, is absorbing small quantities of your excess ki, mana, and spirit - giving you a + to non-physical stealth as long as the Blessed Sword is present - and now has its own spirit and nascent awareness. Came with a free scabbard, and is now one-hundred percent real instead of needing to be summoned, but you still need a proper belt to hang the thing from.

Blinding Rod of Thunderous Force: Created by a teenaged Guyanan sorcerer calling himself "Crash," this two-and-a-half foot mahogany stick is etched with images of whirling stormclouds and a single lightning bolt. Once per day on command, when struck against the ground, the Rod unleashes a wave of force that can knock over and temporarily blind and deafen creatures within a 20-foot-radius. Enjoy your new boomstick. Acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Boots of Air Walking: A pair of enchanted boots that let you walk on air as if it were a mostly-solid surface, and/or run away even faster than usual. The air-walking effect turns out to not synergize well with superhuman speed, but everything else works normally. Warded against magical detection.

Cellphone: An eighth-birthday present from Cordelia. The service is only local, but it's paid up for a full year. Isn't Cordy generous?

Crypt Rod: This three-foot iron rod has a flanged, conical head. Enchanted as a +1 light mace, it also has the power to direct the user to the nearest grave or other burial site within 500 ft, and can be set to detect only graves that contain specific creature types, ignoring all others in its area of effect. In addition, the Crypt Rod can search for the remains of a specific individual so long as the user has one of the target's former possessions in hand. Anybody want to go tomb-robbing?

Fairy Slingshot: A non-magical wooden slingshot carved with leafy patterns and Fae symbols, and fixed with a rubber strap that was most likely produced via magical means. A gift from the fairies on the occasion of your ninth birthday, and surprisingly dangerous in the right hands.

Fiona's Talisman: A pendant of Protection From Chaos, made by a woman named Fiona who does a business in this sort of thing in Sunnydale. Has Catherine Madison's tacit approval. A gift from Uncle Rory, on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Has a minor affinity with Light.

Formal Spider-Silk Suit (Big and Tall Edition): A variation on Alex's Conjured formalwear, sized to fit his idealized adult form. Overall, the same style and quality as the kid-sized version, just with more material. Unmentionables included.

Formal Spider-Silk Suit (Excellent): Alex's first attempt at Conjuring kid-sized formalwear out of spider-silk, version three. In your father's words, it's too much for a family formal event, but should pass muster with the upper class.

Goldschmidt's Ring of Minor Fire Resistance: The collaborative work of German craftsman Karl Goldschmidt and the Sternritter known as Bazz-B, this golden band is covered in wavy flame patterns that seem to emanate from an orange-red stone. It grants the same level of protection from fire as a basic Spell to Resist Energy (Fire). Acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Gratitude Crystallizer: Roughly the size of a baseball, this starburst-shaped crystal absorbs gratitude directed towards you and converts it into a solid, crystalline form. As a bonus, you don't need to take it out for it to work; you just need to do good deeds! Current Gratitude Content: 80/80. Has affinity with Light, Shadow, and Spirit.

Gratitude Crystals: Starburst-shaped orange-hued crystals formed from condensed feelings of gratitude. You currently have four, not counting those in the Gratitude Crystallizer. It was meant to hold them all, but you kind of overfilled it... whoops?

Heart Container: A mystical trophy of your battle with the Armored Arachnid, Gohma. You've absorbed its power, increasing your maximum health by 33%. Due to this mystical reinforcement of the physical aspect of your being, you've also gained a permanent passive quarter-rank (+) increase to your Endurance and all skills that utilize Ki and/or Power.

Heart of Courage: A mystical trophy of your battle with the Shadow of Courage, Dark Link. You've chosen to absorb its power in the form of a summoning: the Spell of the Dark Self. This ancient Hyrulean Shadow Magic was originally derived from study of the even more ancient Mirror of Shadow as a test of one's character, and allows you to create a Dark Self, a shadowy doppelganger of whomever you chose to target with the magic. While potentially very powerful, you can only maintain one such entity at a time, and it's not bound to obey you like other summons. Use



Heart of Fire: A mystical trophy of your battle with the Volcanic Fury, Searfang. You've chosen to absorb its power to enhance your elemental affinity. As such, you gain a permanent passive half-rank (++) increase to Fire Affinity, Fire Elementalism, and Fire Resistance, and a quarter-rank (+) increase to Earth Affinity, Earth Elementalism, and Earth Resistance.

Heart of Shadow: A mystical trophy of your battles in Silbern, the no-longer-secret stronghold of the Wandenreich Quincy. Somewhat disturbingly, it is more anatomically correct than the usual model... You've chosen to absorb its power to enhance your elemental affinity. As such, you gain a permanent passive half-rank (++) increase to Shadow Affinity and Shadow Resistance, and a quarter-rank (+) increase to Illusion and other manifestations of Shadow Magic.

Heart of Spirit: A mystical trophy of your battles in the Ring of Trials on Bali Ha'i. You've chosen to absorb its power to enhance your elemental affinity. As such, you gain a permanent passive half-rank (++) increase to Spirit Affinity and Spirit Resistance, and a quarter-rank (+) increase to Necromancy, Spiritual Prowess, and all Spiritual skills.

Heart of Water: A mystical trophy of your battle with the Ophidian Troglofae, Alboa. You've chosen to absorb its power to enhance your elemental affinity. As such, you gain a permanent passive half-rank (++) to Water Affinity and related skills, and a quarter-rank (+) increase to Poison Affinity and related skills.

Hylian Glass Bottle: You've got a Bottle! Given to you as a gift by the Church, this magically-blown, nigh-indestructible glass container can safely hold everything from potions to fairies. You have yet to determine if it can ACTUALLY deflect hostile magic, or if that was just something Ganondorf imagined.

Hyrulean Sorcerer's Robe: The traditional garment of all sorcerers - and magic-users in general - throughout Hyrule and its neighboring lands. Dark red to reflect your primary allegiance to Din, it is embroidered with gold symbols that anchor the standard stain- and damage-resistance and maintenance spells, and can be readily customized to suit your needs in the casting chamber or on the battlefield. All craftsHylianship is of the highest quality. A gift from Batreaux on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Hyrulean Wallet: A leather pouch with a Green Rupee emblem on the side and Rupee-weighted drawstring. Magically bound to you to make it harder to steal. Holds up to 100 Rupees by volume.

La Renarde's Belt of Incredible Dexterity: A plain, practical, but high-quality leather belt that functions as a belt of incredible dexterity +4. Formerly owned by the globetrotting lady thief, La Renarde, who actually managed to break into Silbern several decades before you. Looted during the Silbern Raid.

La Renarde's Thief's Goggles: A pair of leather-bound crystal lenses in a shade of violet deep and opaque enough to appear black at a distance. They function like a combination of Eyes of the Eagle, Eyes of the Owl, and Goggles of Night, granting increased visual perception, low-light vision, and darkvision, respectively; they can also detect the presence of magic upon command, although this is a very weak effect that can't analyze any auras so detected. Formerly owned by the globetrotting lady thief, La Renarde, who actually managed to break into Silbern several decades before you. Looted during the Silbern Raid.

Late Arrival: A +1 flaming dagger of undead bane. Because you can never have too many ways to set a corpse-demon on fire.

Lesser Metamagic Rod of Ectoplasmic Spellcasting: A two-foot metal rod inscribed with arcane characters and formulae describing planar interactions, discernment of life-force, and exceptionally limited transformation, this +1 Metamagic Rod enables the user to cast spells that will function normally against ethereal or otherwise incorporeal creatures. Works three times per day. Acquired in the Silbern Raid.

Magic Cellphone: An enchanted cellphone, meant to give you a means of making secure long-distance phonecalls for supernatural affairs. A gift from Ambrose on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Be sure to read the manual.

Memorian Warmage Robe: An "armored" magic-user's robe, in a style worn by Battle-Mages of the Memorian Legions. Enchanted to be quite a bit tougher than it looks, it's still inferior to mundane full-body armor, but it looks rather spiffy, and is warded against magical detection. You also left off the Memorian heraldry, just in case.

Necklace of Adaptation: This octagonal disc of platinum on a heavy gold chain creates a shell of breathable air around its wearer, protecting them from airborne vapors and toxins and allowing them to breathe in essentially any environment, be it underwater, superheated, or even a vacuum. Seems able to safely support a master/familiar pair, at least for several hours. Acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Old Man Shoes: A very nice pair of men's dress shoes, sized to fit your feet. A gift from Balthazar Blake on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Periapt of Health: A blue gemstone hanging from a silver chain, which has been imbued with magic that renders the wearer immune to all diseases, mundane and supernatural alike. You have been warned that it won't work against curses, parasites, and poisons, even ones that act like diseases. Taken during the Silbern Raid.

Personal Business Cards: A supply of conjured paper cards with Alex's contact information. ...that's it.

Red Suit: A fine formal suit in fiery red, with gold lining and a gold cumme*rbund. A gift from Lucia Drake on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Ring of Invisibility: A plain silver band that renders the wearer undetectable to the naked eye, as per the Spell of Invisibility. Definitely does not have anything to do with any Dark Lords or skulking half-pint wretches. Acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Ropes of Binding: Four coils of magical rope, each about fifty feet long and imbued with greater strength. On command, such a Rope can encircle and bind an unresisting or overpowered target using any of a vast array of knots (which can also be undone). Useful for handling cargo, keeping travelers together, or securing prisoners. Acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Shatterstick: This peculiar club-mace hybrid-looking thing is a +1 shattering and smashing weapon made entirely from a single piece of wood, magically shaped and hardened to be as strong as steel. Crafted in the mid-70s by Greenspeaker, the ill-fated American druid and drug dealer formerly known as John Mason, and acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Stone of Tomb Warding: Cut in the shape of a scarab beetle and polished smooth, this enchanted stone cannot be touched by any mindless undead, and will prevent them from passing through a doorway or other portal it is placed above. Intelligent undead can potentially overcome this protection, so be alert. Acquired during the Silbern Raid.

Vambrace of Force Shield: A piece of armor, worn over the (left) forearm, and imbued with the power to project a small barrier of pure force that equates to a mundane shield for most purposes - save that it's a heck of a lot harder. Warded against magical detection, although this won't help much when the shield is up.

Spell Components and Focuses
Aries Crystal:
A purple-black crystal shaped like the astrological sign you happen to have been born under. Can serve as a metamagic focus to extend the duration of a Spell of Summoning by fusing with the summoned creature, and auto-magically returns to you after being used. At least in theory. A gift from Beryl on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Augury Sticks (Simple Wood): A set of rune-carved wooden sticks for performing auguries and other rituals of Divination. Magically conjured, they are stable enough to be permanent, unless or until they are broken or dispelled.

Black Turtle Incense: A high-quality brand of incense, imbued with spiritual energy and hints of youki. Obtained from the Shuzens for use in the Spell of Communion. Has affinity with Fire, Spirit, and Darkness.

Conjured Book: A plain brown book with a hundred blank pages. Utterly mundane, except that it's a quasi-permanent conjured item created by Alex. Has affinity with Wood and Magic.
> Conjured Book II: Another plain brown book with a hundred blank pages. Identical to the original, except that it's permanently conjured and currently blank.

Diamond Reagents: A collection of diamonds and dust thereof suitable for casting certain spells. Alex currently owns one for each of the following spells, obtained from Kanemaru Jewelers: Nondetection; Restoration (standard use); Restoration (reversing energy drain use); and Stoneskin. He also has


one diamond suitable for Limited Wishes, obtained from Balthazar.

Forked Metal Rods: A collection of bent bits of various metals, each one mystically attuned to a different plane of existence. Necessary focuses for the Spell of Plane Shifting, the Gate Spell, and related planar travel magics. Alex currently owns one attuned to Earth (specifically, to the area outside the Shuzen family's private demiplane), two attuned to the demiplanes he hired Navi to create, and two more for (eventual) use with Create Demiplane (one attuned to the Astral Plane, the other to the Ethereal Plane).

Gold Incense: A high-quality brand of incense, imbued with spiritual energy that you can actually sense. Has affinity with Fire and Spirit. Conjured to replace the stuff you expended.

Gold and Ruby Lens: A small lens of carefully faceted ruby mounted in a fine golden frame, which slides into a neat little casing to prevent scratches when not in use. Special ordered through Gen as a focus for the Spell to Analyze Dweomers.

Higurashi Ofudas: A box of fifty ofudas, drawn by Kagome's grandfather and powered by Kagome herself. A gift on the occasion of your ninth birthday, because you can never be too careful, especially in a town full of demons. Minor individual affinity for Light and Spirit.

Hihi's Heart: The relatively fresh heart of a bestial and predatory monkey youkai, purchased from Gen's. Has moderate affinity with Life and minor affinity with Shadow and Spirit. No evil!

Incense Burner: A metal sphere a couple of inches less in diameter than a soccer ball, supported by the coiling bodies of four Oriental dragons. Provided by the Shuzens for the Spell of Communion.

Jugram Haschwalth's Hairbrush: A rather nice brush with a silver-inlaid wooden handle and natural bristles, with some strands of hair still caught in them. Stolen from the Wandenreich Grandmaster's bathroom, for use in aiming Divination and certain forms of Necromancy at the man himself.

Key of the Sun: A planar key attuned to the Gates of the Sun in Silbern. Acquired from Ishida Souken for use in enabling the (hopefully surprise) Shinigami invasion of the Wandenreich's super-secret headquarters.

Quincy Hairs: Half a dozen individual hairs, collected from members of the Archer and extended Ishida families that you know to have sympathies for the Wandenreich. A precaution, in case you need to scry on

or curse

these individuals in the not-too-distant future.

Silver Crescent: A metal arc about an inch across at its widest, fashioned from pure silver in the shape of a waning moon. Obtained as a focus for the Spell of the Threefold Aspect, it might also be useful against lycanthropes.

Visionary Focuses: A magically mastercrafted set of four small ivory pieces, consisting of detailed figurines of Din, Nayru, and Farore, and the Triforce Emblem. Conjured by Alex to serve as reusable focuses for the Spells of Vision and Literary Vision.

Random Junk
Akasha's Earrings
: A pair of gold-mounted diamond stud earrings belonging to Akasha Bloodriver. Volunteered by Akasha to help fuel the Spell(s) of Restoration required to heal the spiritual injuries of Akua's deceased heart-sister, Jasmine. No uses as a spell component remain, but it's still a pair of gold studs.

Alboa's Skin: The white-scaled skin of the Ophidian Troglofae, Alboa, expertly removed from the rest of its body by Robin. Has major affinity with Water, an affinity with "sacred" and "taboo" effects due to the snake's nature as an albino, and is naturally inclined to being made into armor. Or maybe clothing? Eh, you'll think of something...

Alex's List (of Interesting People In Sunnydale Elementary): A list of those students Alex has passively investigated and confirmed to have some form of "exotic" potential. Prospective ki-users include Bob Marshall, Sheila Martini, and Cameron Walker. Possible internal magic-users include Michael Czajack, Jack O'Toole, and Tucker Wells. There are others in both categories, but those are the ones with the most potential. Oh, and you found a score of demon students, too.

Ambrose's List of Familiar Binding Ritual Sites: Several pages' worth of notes on a dozen different locations in the U.K. that Ambrose thinks would be good spots for you and Briar to perform your upcoming familiar binding ritual. Includes geographical coordinates, notations on local landowners and power groups, and some other useful information.

Ambrose's Who's Who, SoCal Edition: An ordinary notepad with about a dozen double-sided pages' worth of information on the most prominent groups and individuals in the magical community(ies?) of your neck of the woods. By its creator's admission, it's nowhere near complete, but it's a start. Read it.

Animal Sheddings: Loose feathers, bits of fur, scales, and bone shed by various animals you healed in Farore's name. Might be useful, might just be your pack-rat habit getting out of control. Minor affinity with Life and Spirit.

Arcana Cabana Mail-Order Catalogue: A booklet of commonly-available goods that can be acquired from Balthazar Blake's shop. The proprietor has also mentioned a few "uncommonly" available wares, for clients that have proven themselves trustworthy.

Best Big Brother Award: An award made of glued-together popsicle sticks, colored paper cut-outs, and a lot of sparkly bits, proclaiming you the "Best Big Brother." A gift from Zelda, on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Bloodstone Talisman: A heliotrope pendant set in silver. A gift from Shuzen Kahlua on the occasion of your ninth birthday, it has the potential to make a good enchanted item of protection. Moderate affinity for Life.

Californian Exchange Information: Contact information for several currency exchanges in San Diego, San Francisco, and Sacramento, acquired from Mr. Pfennig at the Pfennig Exchange in New York. Nothing on Los Angeles, there's apparently a lot of bad business being conducted there.

Calligraphy Set: A kit containing pens, ink, guidebook, and other assorted tools for improving your formal handwriting. A gift from Cordelia on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Synergy bonus when used with the Personal Stationery, below.

Carrying Case (Small): A reinforced modern briefcase. Carried the Shuzens' final payment for enchanting Kahlua's Warrior-Princess Gauntlets. Probably isn't the same case that carried the down-payment. You still honestly have no idea what you're going to do with this.

Championship Belt: A white silk belt bearing the emblem of the World Martial Arts Tournament, a snarling green Oriental dragon with large, branching, antler-like horns, holding an orange crystal ball in one taloned paw. Zelda does indeed like it. Moderate affinity to Life, strong affinity to Spirit.

Cheap Drawing: A ham-fisted attempt at a cheap copy of an amateur's accidentally-created magical ritual circle. The now-defunct diagram it's based upon was in the viewing area of the Wolf's Den at the Sunnydale Zoo, its origins and function a mystery.

Cheque: Your winnings from the Twenty-First World Martial Arts Tournament. They work out to about 1,000 USD, and have been placed in a savings account.

Clay Bottle (Bullbo Fat): Previously contained Gen's Spring Dew or Smoke Water, and now contains a quantity of Bullbo Fat sufficient to create six doses' worth of the ointment required for the Spell of True Seeing. The Bottle may not be Hylian glass, but it's still useful.
> Bullbo Fat: The fat of a Hyrulean Bullbo, acquired from market through the auspices of the Celestial Postman. Not much of an affinity for anything, really, it's mostly just useful for thickening stuff.

Clay Bottle (Corpse-Demon Dust): Previously contained Gen's Spring Dew or Gen's Smoke Water, and currently contains the dust of a demonic vampire that Alex robbed when the former was apparently making a pizza run. ...dude. The Bottle may not be Hylian glass, but it's still useful.
> Corpse-Demon Dust: The dust of a demonic vampire that Alex robbed when the former was apparently making a pizza run. ...dude. Moderate affinity for Shadow and Blood, minor affinity for Darkness and Earth.

Clay Bottle (Gleeok Blood): Previously contained Gen's Spring Dew, and currently contains some of the dark blood of the Two-Headed Dragon of the Underworld, Gleeok, which you faced in the Eighth Round of the Ring of Trials. It's not Hylian glass, but it's still useful.
> Gleeok Blood: The dark blood of the Two-Headed Dragon of the Underworld, Gleeok, which you faced in the Eighth Round of the Ring of Trials. Potentially strong affinity to Dark, Fire, and Life, but you're still unsure if it's "real" enough to work as a reagent or not. Fingers remain crossed.

Clay Bottle (Hinana's Blood): Previously contained Gen's Spring Dew, and currently contains some of the lifeblood of the Great Island Boar, mixed with the soil where he fell. The Blood/Earth mixture has strong affinity for Life/Blood and Spirit, and moderate affinity for Earth. The Bottle may not be Hylian glass, but it's still useful.

Clay Bottle (Riverside Shrine Water): Previously contained Gen's Spring Dew, and currently contains Riverside Shrine Water, which has affinity with Water. It's not Hylian glass, but it's still useful.

Clay Bottle (Silver Dust, x5): Previously contained Gen's Spring Dew and/or Smoke Water, and currently contain a total of 500 silver pieces' worth of indefinitely-conjured powdered silver, for use as spell components. It's not Hylian glass, but it's still useful.

Clay Bottle (Yhwach's Blood): Previously contained Gen's Spring Dew, and currently contains some of the blood of the Quincy King, gathered from the wreckage of his sleeping place after you had an Elder Earth Elemental martial artist drop a hammerblow on him. In other words, rock fists fell, the Sealed King died, and it was very messy. The Bottle's not Hylian glass, but it's still useful.

Colorful Whiteboard: A white plastic board with an attached marker, imbued with Illusion Magic and a remarkably broad color palette. Purchased from the Arcana Cabana as a


gift for Zelda, who likes it very much.

Conjured Bottle: A plain glass bottle. Utterly mundane, except that it's a quasi-permanent conjured item created by Alex, and was used to store the Heart of the Storm until he handed it off to Robin. Has affinity for Earth and Magic.

Cool Shades: An awesome pair of spiky red sunglasses. You're not entirely sure where they came from, but they make you look good. Especially when you grin confidently. Why do you feel the urge to go shirtless and don a cape...?

Coral Shark: A small but fairly detailed image of a great piscine predator, carved from a chunk of coral. Purchased in the Changdu Museum of Maritime History for Mom.

Corpse-Demon Purse: A mini-purse containing various odds and ends an undead girl might need on a night out. Previously belonged to a corpse-demon that Alex charmed accidentally on purpose, led off to a quiet spot, and then stabbed to death and looted the dust of. You're not a murderhobo! She was already (un)dead, and you have a perfectly nice family home!

Corpse-Demon Jewelry: A matched set of plain silver earrings and a necklace, such as a girl from a modest financial background might wear on a night out. Previously belonged to a corpse-demon that Alex charmed accidentally on purpose, led off to a quiet spot, and then stabbed to death and looted the dust of. You're also not a thief! Probably!

Corrupted Tome: A much-abused leather-bound enchanted volume that emanates a faint aura of Summoning Magic and demonic corruption, and looks like it was written by a madman. Looted from the library collection of Wandenreich Grandmaster Jugram Haschwalth. Full contents not yet determined. Creepy... Currently in the care of the staff of the Drake residence.

Cultist's Amulet: A iron medallion in the shape of a wolf's head, suspected to have been an Amulet of (Un)Natural Armor, broken into four uneven pieces while being cleansed by holy fire. Has moderate affinity with Shadow and Fire.

Deku Nuts: A leather pouch containing


19 of the hard-shelled explosive buds of the Deku Baba. These can be used directly as flash-bangs, or (carefully) cracked open to extract approximately 5 Deku Seeds each, which make for good slingshot ammo. A gift from the fairies on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Deku Seeds: 5 small, hard seeds harvested from Deku Nuts, whose only practical uses (as far as you're aware) are for slingshot ammunition and the growing of new Deku Babas. To quote the kami of the Tokyo Tower, "Why?"

Demonic Werewolf's Heart: The somehow-crystallized heart of an undead demon-tainted werewolf originating from ancient Gallia. Has moderate affinity with Dark, Shadow, Chaos, and Evil. Definitely not a Heart Container or a fragment thereof.

Doctor Doom Figurine: A 12-inch poseable


action figure of the Lord of Latveria. A gift from Larry on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Doctor Doom Hallowe'en Costume: Your own take on the iconic armor of the comic book supervillain. Looks alright, but probably not very effective as ACTUAL armor. Even so, it pleases Doom.

Dracula Commemorative Coin: A gold coin bearing the effigy of Count Dracula on one face, and what you presume to be his coat of arms on the reverse. It was included in your payment for enchanting Kahlua's Warrior-Princess Gauntlets at Miss Akasha's request. You're not sure if she's making a statement or just taking a joke too far; either way, you're not calling it a "Dracula Dollar." Has moderate affinity with Dark, Earth (Metal), and Life (Blood).

Dragonfly Youkai Wing: A spell component, purchased from Uncle Gen's shop. Has affinity with Wind and Shadow.

Excaliboar: A large and surprisingly fierce-looking plush boar. A gift from Altria on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Fairy Leaves (x7): Small bundles of large leaves (and vines) of uncertain origins, previously used as anti-Hellmouth packaging by Navi and her kids. Recycling, ho! Has minor affinity for Wood and Magic.

Fairy Ocarina: A non-magical wooden ocarina carved with leafy patterns and Fae symbols. The high level of craftsfairyship suggests that somebody with a lot of experience made this... A gift from the fairies on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Has minor affinity with Light, Spirit, Wind, and Wood.

Fang: A snarling stuffed dog. A gift from Moka on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Not as adorable as the Little Boar Spirit.

Farore's List: A short list of fifteen endangered animal species that could benefit from someone casting the Spell of Regeneration on some of their members. In the future, you will know to watch out for angry rhinos... Provided by Farore via a modded Spell of Communion.

Finalist's Plaque: A wooden-backed bronze commemorative plaque that proclaims the champion of the Twenty-First World Martial Arts Tournament's Under Tens Division. It has your name on it and everything.

Glacial Fragment (Impure): A fist-sized lump of ice magically harvested from the heart of a glacier. An early result of Alex's attempts at deep ice mining, the Fragment was contaminated by his magic signature, and lost some purity and value as a result. Has a moderate affinity with Ice.

Glass Bead: A small bead of completely clear glass. It's utterly mundane, except for the fact that it is the first item Alex has ever conjured that is truly permanent - a magical milestone, as it were. Has affinity with Earth and Magic.

Glass Bottle (Corpse-Demon Dust, x5): Previously contained Balthazar Blake's Night's Essences, and currently contain the dust of some demonic vampires that


THE INDEPENDENCE DAY KILLER Scorching Rayed on his way home one night, and another that


a guy wearing sunglasses at night took out with a knife that really hates demonic things. The Bottles may not be Hylian glass, but they're still useful.
> Corpse-Demon Dust: The dust of some demonic vampires that


THE INDEPENDENCE DAY KILLER Scorching Rayed on his way home one night, and two more that


a guy wearing sunglasses at night took out with a knife that really hates demonic things. Moderate affinity for Shadow and Blood, minor affinity for Darkness and Earth.

Glass Bottle (Empty, x4): Previously contained Balthazar Blake's Liquid Starlight (x1), Moondrops (x3), and Night's Essences (x3). It's not Hylian Glass, but it's still useful.

Goron Geode: A very roughly hemispherical stone shell, the interior of which contains a mix of clear, milky white, and pale blue crystals. A gift from Bando on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Moderate Earth affinity, minor affinity with Fire, Light, and Spirit.

Green Rupee Dust: Powdered remains of two shattered Green Mana Rupees. Properties and uses as yet undetermined.

Green Rupee Shards: Slivers and chunks of two shattered Green Mana Rupees. Properties and uses as yet undetermined.

Grimstalker's Poison Kit: A collection of poisons, antidotes, and related materials and implements. Looted from the grimstalker that was squatting in Lady Chloe's domain. What are you going to do with this?

Guardian's Gauntlet: A shiny steel armor piece, formerly worn by a Guardian of the Silent Realm. Has affinity with Earth, Spirit, and Shadow.

Hinana's Hide: Magically-treated leather, processed from the hide of the Great Island Boar, Hinana. Has a major affinity for Spirit, made even stronger if used to create something for one of the hunters who killed him, and even more so if it's for Alex.

Horse Grooming Kit: A collection of brushes, scrapers, sponges, and picks, to keep your mount looking and feeling his best. You're sure Khamsin will appreciate it. A gift from Anna Drake on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Hyrulean Seeds: A collection of seeds from various plants native to Hyrule, whose properties make them useful (if not especially valuable) as magical reagents. You're having some trouble getting them to grow in Sunnydale's environment, though...

Island Pork Belly: Dried and salted pork, processed from the boars taken during the Great Island Boar Hunt. Retained for purposes of bacon. Moderate affinity to Life and Spirit.

Japanese Calligraphy Kit: A kit containing pens, ink, guidebook, and other assorted tools for improving your formal handwriting in Japanese. A gift from Kagome on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Your right hand aches just thinking about all those kanji...

Kaleido Ruby's Autographed Photo: A conjured and signed photograph of Magical Girl Kaleido Ruby (and her talking magic wand, also named Ruby). Somehow lacks an elemental affinity entirely. I may have my arguments with my Master, but I'm not going to make it that easy for you to target her with your strange sorcery, Misters Tall, Dark, and Mysterious!

Kimono: Actually a fairly complete set of traditional Japanese attire, not including the underwear. A (rather expensive) gift from Cordelia, primarily in dark blue silk.

Leatherbound Books: A matching set of three hardcover books with plain leather covers and blank pages, all of suitable quality to serve as arcane spellbooks. One now contains copies of the various Literary Visions invoked while going through the loot of the Silbern Raid, and the second is being written in. Purchased from Ambrose.

Liantiel's Silk Clothing: A selection of clothes woven by the Fae spider-woman, Liantiel, as examples of her work to prospective customers on Earth. Moderate affinity to Shadow.

Liantiel's Web Sample: A few sections of raw webbing woven by the Fae spider-woman, Liantiel, as examples of the materials she can produce. Moderate affinity to Shadow.

Lu's Home Gardening Kit: A box of seeds, a kunai, and a book of gardening tips that includes pointers on using ki in gardening, and the benefits of plants in meditation. A gift from Lu-sensei on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Magic Booster Pack: A foil-wrapped pack of ten collectible playing cards from Magic: The Gathering. This batch was acquired from Urahara Shop; whether the Japanese translation will be worth extra playground cred remains to be seen.

Magic Mushrooms: Slightly shiny red-capped mushrooms, harvested from the Lost Woods by Dekon the Deku Scrub. Used to make the ointment required to cast the Spell of True Seeing; are there other things they might be useful for? You currently have five in total.

Mana Gem Dust (Low-Grade): Powdered remains of a shattered low-grade Mana Gem. Properties and uses as yet undetermined.

Mana Gem Shards (Low-Grade): Slivers and chunks of a shattered low-grade Mana Gem. Properties and uses as yet undetermined.

Map, Annotated 2.0: A print-out map of shrines and temples in the area around your hotel. Somewhat detailed, it has public information culled from the Internet for most of the addresses you've picked out as potential spiritual hot-spots. Lu-sensei recommended visiting the Higurashi Shrine, which turned out to be good advice.

Maple Seeds: A bag of Japanese maple seeds collected from the Shuzen Estate, and presented on a small silk pillow. A gift from Akasha and the spirit of Castle Shuzen, on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Meishi: Personalized "business cards." You've obtained one that has the contact info for Arisawa Tatsuki and Kurosaki Ichigo, and another that has the contact info for Shuzen Kahlua. You also have Altria Drake's address, which apparently has a wizard handling the mail. Higurashi Kagome has given you her number and mailing address as well. Additionally, you have a mailing address for Kasumi and Ayane. More recently, you've acquired contact info for Beryl, though only as a drop-box for letters. Even more recently, you've got a number and address for Dave Stutler, sorcerer's apprentice; the same for Hayashi Emiko, a fighting fan fox-girl; and a mailing address (and due to technological issues, ONLY a mailing address) for Sokka and Katara of the Southern Water Tribe. As of a chance meeting on Halloween '99, you have the contact info for one Celty Sturluson, headless Fae motorcyclist. Early 2000 added the mailing address for Mike Jones of C-Island. Mid-2000 added phone numbers for Alice and Miles Archer and Nicolau Muhlfeld, Quincy Elders of New York and Brazil, respectively. The Ishida family are now on your call list. Late summer of 2000 got you the magical business number and address for Crescentia Holzknecht von Einzbern, branch member and roving troubleshooter for the Einzbern Family of magi.

Memorian Contaminated Potions: Four potions of ancient provenance, their original functions - healing, energy resistance, and two as yet undetermined - having been compromised by age and exposure to Necromantic energy. Attempting to use them is too risky, but they might be worth studying - something to talk to your new potion instructor about, LONG MAY HER DARKNESS ENDURE!

Memorian Gate Fragment: A piece of the now-destroyed inter-planar portal established in the Memorian Base in the Black Forest of Germany. Major affinity with (Space-)Time of the Summoning variety.

Memorian Map (Updated): A map shown to you by Captain Marcus Valerius Faustus, last commanding officer of the Fifth Memorian Legion, ghostly ancient not-Roman, and general badass. It depicts the location of the Earth-side portion of a planar gate that leads to the Legion's outpost in Faerie. Subsequent checking of modern maps and consultation with Captain Marcus puts Memoria, and the base, in part of what is now France. You have both a memorized copy and a hard-copy of this chart, both of which are updated to reflect the more definite (if not entirely pinned-down) location.

Memorian Portal Fragment: A piece of the now-destroyed barracks entrance portal in the Memorian Base in the Black Forest of Germany. One might have called it a "teleportal"... Moderate affinity with (Space-)Time of the Summoning variety.

Memorian Sending Stone: A small disc of enchanted stone that, when used as a focus, will allow you to cast a Spell of Sending through the wards of the Memorian Outpost. Being very old and originally intended to be disposable, the enchantment probably won't last more than one casting. Use wisely.

Memorian Standard: A


Memorian-style battlefield standard, which marks you as part of the First Magical Auxiliary of the Fifth Memorian Legion. Sports a boar rather than an eagle, and bears a number of protective enchantments for itself, its bearer, and any nearby allies. A gift from the undead legionaries on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Moderate affinity with Shadow and Spirit.

Mini Baba: An immature, mostly-immobile version of Hyrule's Deku Baba, this arboreal predator is currently growing nicely in a pot on your window, thanks to Briar's tender loving care. She calls it "Snappy."

Moon Rock: A rock from the Moon, specifically from the landing zone of Alex's first successful use of the Spell of Interplanetary Teleportation. Major affinity for Time, moderate affinity for Earth and Shadow.

Night Sky Projector: An enchanted crystal lamp that produces the image of a million starry points of light overhead. Currently in Zelda's possession.

Ninja Letter: A polite, congratulatory threat from the renegade ninja Raidou.

Novelty Cheque: A gimmicky, vastly oversized version of your actual cheque. Not worth anything except perhaps a chuckle or two. What are you going to do with it, anyway?

Ofuda of Good Fortune: A wood-carved spiritually-imbued blessing from the Hakuba Shrine, meant to be set up in your home. Received as a gift on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Moderate Light and Spiritual Affinities.

Pendant: A seventh-birthday gift from Amy, made of polished dark wood carved in the shape of the Gerudo Crest.

Personal Stationery: A collection of pens, pencils, erasers, whiteout, cards, envelopes, and paper - both blank sheets and monogrammed - most of which literally has your name on it. A gift from Cordelia on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Synergy bonus when used with the Calligraphy Set, above.

Pirate vs. Ninja T-Shirt: A novelty garment purchased at the Changdu Museum of Maritime History for Dad. Displays a cartoony version of Captain "Sharktooth" Xhiang facing off with a stereotypical ninja.

Plush Bilbo: A plush version of one Bilbo Baggins, as he appeared when uttering his final riddle to Gollum. A gift from Hayashi Emiko on the occasion of your ninth birthday, in response your raven-and-writing-desk gift to her during the Christmas Plush Invasion of '99.

Plush Dragon "Altria": Currently in Zelda's possession. A remarkably well-made and surprisingly accurate plush interpretation of a red, Oriental-style dragon. It looks a bit like that Volvagia creature you've seen in some of your dreams, but you decided to name it for your most formidable and respected opponent - for the lulz. As anticipated, Zelda loves it.

Plush Pirate Parrot: A brightly-colored bird bought at the Changdu Museum of Maritime History for Zelda. Features pirate hat, eyepatch, and beautiful plumage. Distinctly not a Norwegian Blue.

Plush Snake "Alboa": Currently in Zelda's possession. An exact replica of the magically shrunken and plushified corpse of the Ophidian Troglofae, Alboa. Because killing your enemy, carving up its corpse for reagents, and selling the meat to a hungry troll wasn't enough.

Revolutionary Rider: Currently in Zelda's possession. A plush horse-and-rider doll combo won at the fair on Independence Day of 2000, with the rider being attired in the style of the American Revolutionary War. Subsequent research suggests the technical term is "dragoon," but you don't see a spear...?

Robin's List: A list of materials Briar's Big Brother Robin will require to imbue the Blessed Sword with the ability to transform into a different kind of sword. Among other things, includes: "magic coal/charcoal"; a plant-based oil; and several ounces of a shapeshifting monster's blood, ideally given willingly. Hmmm...

Security Mirror: A large overhead mirror taken from an abandoned gas station outside of town. Used as a focus for the Spell of Mirror Hideaway. Has an affinity to Shadow.

Shadow Horsehair: A hair from the Horse's mane, with potential use as a spell component. Has affinity to Life and Shadow, and lesser affinity to Earth and Fire.

Shuzens' Formal Invitation: A very formal letter on high-quality stationery, delivered by a creepy, purportedly Fate-altering Mothman on behalf of the Shuzen Clan of vampires.

Singing Stone: A psionic construct in the form of a three-inch tall crystal spire that "sings" when exposed to light. Can be turned off by putting it somewhere dark, or by using psychic powers to quiet it. A gift from Grey Voice on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Slayers Boxed Set: A complete collection of all three seasons of your favorite anime: Slayers; Slayers Next; and Slayers Try. A gift from Shuzen Kahlua on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Sparring Pads: A matched set of protective martial arts gear, including a head protector, full-length gloves, kneepads, and shin guards. Enough of Karakura's ambient spiritual energy seeped in that you could probably punch out a ghost while wearing these. A gift from Arisawa Tatsuki and Kurosaki Ichigo on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Has minor affinity to Spirit.

Spent Ammo: An spent shell casing and a twisted fragment of a grenade, salvaged from the Battle of the Eclipse. A gift from the Drakes' security personnel on the occasion of your ninth birthday, in recognition of your contribution saving their necks.

Stationery: A few sheets of high-quality writing paper and similarly well-made envelopes, taken from the desk of Mr. Randall Chase (with Cordelia's permission).

Suzuka's List: A collection of names and addresses of people in need of sorcerous assistance, gathered by the miko of the Hakuba Shrine on Alex's behalf. Specifically: a Buddhist temple dedicated to Raiden, in need of long-overdue repair from typhoon damage (repairs completed!); an old man with a magically-sealed box; a fortune teller who asked for Alex by description (visited, and frustrating); and a woman with a long-missing child.
> Suzuka's List 2.0: A(nother) collection of names and addresses in need of sorcerous assistance, gathered by the miko of the Hakuba Shrine in anticipation of Alex's request. She's getting good at this... Specifically, it's a request to assist the Hakubas in identifying, neutralizing, and cleaning up the after-effects of having Dracula's aura hanging over their Shrine for a time, and also to help Mai, the girl adopted by a kitsune, introduce her parents to her "cousin," Lady Akemi - who is, of course, dead. You're not sure if they know that, and you look forward to finding out.

Tamamo's Photo Collection: Over a dozen different photographs featuring Tamamo-no-Mae (specifically, one of her tail-avatars). No cheesecake, just a lot of good, silly fun. Has moderate Shadow Affinity.

Tamamo's Signed Photo: A photograph of Tamamo-no-Mae, Elder Mitsuki of the Hayashi Clan, yourself, and the spirit of Lady Akemi. Pronounced "Completely genuine!" by Tamamo, and bears her signature. For Hayashi Emiko's consideration. Has strong Shadow Affinity. Mailed to Emiko.

The Little Boar Spirit: An adorable plush boar (with tusks!), given to you by your even more adorable little sister as a gift on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Tools of Mending: A box of typical garage tools, magically masterworked and enchanted to be more effective at repair work, as well as obscured against magical detection. Currently in Tony's possession.

Tournament Documents: A complete copy of the World Martial Arts Tournament's rules (for all divisions), as well as the documentation necessary to register and a formal invitation to the next tournament, which is in four years' time. Read them.

Tournament Tapes: A set of VHS tapes containing unedited footage of the Twenty-First World Martial Arts Tournament. Interestingly, while pure magic and mixed magic/ki techniques show up just fine, most pure ki techniques seem to not have been visible to the cameras. Weak affinity to Light, moderate affinity to Shadow. Watched them.

Training Saddle: A plain saddle to help get Khamsin accustomed to bearing a rider, and you to taking care of your own equipment. A gift from Altria on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Traitor's Blade: A legionary's sword, forged in the Memorian style by a brilliant Gallian sword-smith who fell under the influence of a demon-worshipping cult. Disjoined and largely - but not entirely - purged of its taint. Minor affinity to Chaos, Darkness, and Evil.

Trophy Spear: A wooden, currently headless spear crafted and imbued with some spiritual power by Shaman Tiriaq. Moderate affinity to Spirit.

Uncut Gems: A collection of ore samples containing minor gem-grade stones in need of extraction, cutting, and polishing. Gained from the Earthside Memorian Base.

Vampire Fillings: The dental fillings of a demonic vampire that Alex Scorching Rayed to dust on his way home one night. ...what DO vampires do about dental issues, anyway? Moderate affinity for Blood and Metal, minor affinity for Darkness and Shadow.

Vampire's Watch: The cheap wristwatch of a demonic vampire that Alex robbed when the former was apparently making a pizza run. Stopping time, you say? No, it's not that kind of watch, OR that kind of vampire.

Wooden Boar Figurine: A small, somewhat-inexpertly carved figure of a boar, enchanted to come to life when commanded. A gift from Dave Stutler on the occasion of your ninth birthday.

Wooden Fox: A masterfully-carved figurine of a certain nine-tailed fox, imbued with the power to summon her exactly once. A gift from Lady Takara on the occasion of your ninth birthday. Be careful with this, hm?

Carried Books
A History of Taiwanese Piracy:
An educational volume purchased at the Changdu Museum of Maritime History. Avast, ye dogs! Knowledge is a treasure, don't ya know?

Frame Work: A book that discusses some of the basic techniques in the field of Ki Enhancement. Copied into the Conjured Book, in violation of copyright. ...it's for your friends, really!

Hitting the Funny Bone: A book that discusses the applications of ki in the ancient and noble art of pulling pranks. Copied into the second Leatherbound Book. Fortunately, it wasn't copyrighted. Funny how that works out.

Ki and You: A series of introductory booklets on ki, aimed at new students. Not quite the "Dick and Jane" of the School of the Five Elements, but possibly not that far above it... You have copied Part Six (Generation) into the Conjured Book, and Parts One (Enhancement), Three (Infusion), and Four (Projection) into the second Leatherbound Book. Don't worry, you didn't violate any copyrights! This time! Now, you just need to find the missing Parts and get them better-organized. Part Five (Control) also acquired , read, and copied.

Alex's Oath of Secrecy:
You have sworn an oath to the Golden Goddesses not to reveal the secrets of the Soul King that your Shadow learned during the raid on Silbern, and subsequently passed on to you and the Briars. All four of you are bound by this oath, and the Goddesses will be holding you to it.

Chloe's Invitation: Verbal permission from Lady Chloe, Great Fairy of... her personal domain in Faerie, to return to said domain in the future.

Conjuration Templates: You have committed to memory the physical structure and mystical essence of: a classy fountain pen; glass bottles for storing reagents; sheets of high-quality writing paper; fancy envelopes; Gold Incense; Gohma Webbing; (Ant)Arctic weather gear; a variety of island foodstuffs in their freshest (and rawest) forms; some Faerie Spider Webbing and Liantiel's Webbing; Urahara-Brand Labgear, for all your spiritual scientific needs!; a Fighting Suit, a formal Western-style suit adjusted for wear and minimal tear by martial artists; a training uniform and formal uniform in the style and colors favored by the Five Elements Style; a selection of similar gear from other schools, for comparative and artisanally educational purposes; diamonds suitable for casting the spells of Nondetection, Restoration (both forms), and Stoneskin; rubies suitable for casting the spell of Simulacrum; and Light-affinity and Neutral Diamonds suitable for casting Limited Wish.

Five Elements Library Pass (Intermediate): With Lu-sensei's permission and some digital


work by Miss Mei, you are now registered as being allowed to check out intermediate-ranked books on ki techniques from the School of Five Elements' library. No, there's no actual card, this place runs on more of an honor system...

Less-Worthless Promise: With Navi as your witness, you've promised not to make trouble for the Little Folk of the forest around the Memorian Outpost in Faerie - unless they start it. It's... not really much of a promise at all, hinging as it does on Navi's word and the fact that the Little Folk are even more worried about being noticed by their cousins in the Courts than you are. Something to build on, maybe.

Magic Trade: You've made a deal with Merle Ambrose and Balthazar Blake, trading copies of your Spell of General Augmentation for their advice and assistance in outfitting the next incarnation of your magic workshop.

Memorian Name: Hylianus Alexander Terranus, Aegis Animae. Bestowed upon you by the departing spirits of the Fifth Legion in recognition of meritorious deeds under the banner of Memoria, this name declares where you came from, who and what you are, and where you now live and defend. Wear it well.

Moblin's Checkups: You've made a deal with Urahara Kisuke and Tsukabishi Tessai for Moblin to receive spiritual examinations every month for the next year, to help you all get a better idea of what effects the Heart of the Old Dog (and assorted other supernatural influences) are having on the good boy. Effectively pre-paid.

Oath to the Goddesses: You have sworn to do your best to make the Goddesses proud. Din already is, though she probably shouldn't have admitted that where Farore could hear it.

Poacher Promise: You've made a promise to Farore that you will ask her for a list of legs in need of breaking, when you're older and there aren't so many apocalypses bearing down on you. She's going to hold you to that.

Temporal Password: You have devised a code phrase to be used in case you ever encounter another instance of yourself due to time-travel, and that phrase is "correct horse battery staple." ...what?

Xander Quest, Thread Twenty-Eight: The Tumultuous Tenth Year Begins (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.